Advancing the state-of-the-art in image/video compression by adopting deep learning methods in prediction, transform, entropy coding and post processing. Develop fresh new coding tools based on deep learning for post processing, reconstruction enhancement. Investigate new pipelines using deep learning for end-to-end image/video compression. Achieve significant coding improvements with applicable computational complexity as well as deliver insights into deep learning video compression for machine consumption, e.g., tracking, segmentation, recognition.
Tag: Deep Learning
M3-V Privacy-Preserving Fall Detection with Deep Learning on mmWaveRadar Signal (renamed: Low-Light and Low-Resolution Image Enhancement)
This project aims to design a deep learning based end-to-end solution for dark image denoising and enhancement using image decomposition method, achieving significant improvement in output image quality. Further it aims to improve the image super-resolution by exploiting temporal redundancy. The project also aims at developing an end-to-end solution for multi-frame image super-resolution which involves image registration using optical flow and deep learning for noise removal, achieving significant gain in performance over the state-of-the-art methods.
M5-S ModelKB: Automated Deep Learning Management System
We propose the ModelKB system automating end-to-end model management in deep learning. We will develop a ModelKB prototype that can automatically (1) extract and store the model’s metadata-including its architecture, weights, and configuration; (2) visualize, query, and compare experiments; and (3) reproduce experiments.
B1-S DeepCloud: An Intelligent Platform by the Community and for the Community
DeepCloud is designed as an open software-defined ecosystem for researchers at different levels with the following salient features and transformative impacts. It is one of the first massively scalable multi-tenant open cloud platform with full-fledged building blocks and comprehensive shared stores (app, model, knowledge, data) for deep learning research and applications.
F1-M Bidirectional Deep Learning Architecture for Scene Understanding
This project aims at creating deep architectures inspired by cognitive sciences to under visual scenes either in images or videos. The characteristic of the proposed architecture is that it simplifies the inference using biological plausible marginals (object type and spatial location), which can be learned in an unsupervised way directly from data (i.e. without labels).
F5-T DeepSLAM: Visual Intelligence for Navigation and Planning
The goals of this project include developing the ability to use offline, transferred, and real-time learning using various data sources (intermittent state feedback, cloud) to enable SLAM and related image-based estimation methods.
F7-S One Task: An Intelligent Assistant Platform
The goals of this project are to design and develop an Intelligent Task Management Platform with task-oriented assistants for commercial and education services, design and develop an open-domain question answering system, and design and develop a deep neural model for question answering with external Knowledge Base.
M1-V Deep Learning for Future Video Compression
The goal of this project is to develop new Deep Learning based high dimensional signal models and prediction tools for immersive visual signal coding.
O5-B Deep Learning for Improving Stock Market Investment
The objective of this project is to create data-driven deep learning models that (1) optimizes the institutional investor’s investment strategy in the stock market (2) provides decision support for stock pick 93) are “accountable” and (4) are flexible enough to properly accommodate heterogeneous data.
O6-T Advanced Product Differentiation using Deep Learning
The goal of this projects is to prototype to segment 3D objects into equivalence classes using known Deep Learning techniques; understand performance of known techniques.