UF Faculty

UF Faculty

andyli Xiaolin Andy Li 
Cloud Computing, Intelligent Platforms, Deep Learning, Precision Medicine, IoT/CPS
joseprincipe Jose Principe
ECE, UFAdaptive Systems Theory, Machine Learning, Information Theoretic Learning
Yuguang Michael Fang

ECE, privacy-preserving collaborative machine learning, wireless networks, mobile computing, network security and privacy, smart grid

  Yunmei Chen

Mathematics, mathematical modeling, optimization techniques, applications to image analysis, machine learning, neuron network computing.

   Ye Luo

ECO, High-dimensional statistics, Model Selection, Deep Learning. Applications in NLP and Finance.

   Lin Yang

BME, biomedical image analysis and imaging informatics, computer vision, biomedical informatics, and machine learning

   William Hogan

Health Outcomes and Policy, Biomedical ontology

   Xiajun Amy Pan

ISOM, Retail Operations, Supply Chain Management, Operations-Marketing Interface, Operations-Information Interface, Business Analytics