Date: December 12, 2017 (2 pm-6 pm; dinner at 6:30 pm)
Location: Banquet Room, Ground Floor, Sheraton Sunnyvale Hotel, 1100 N Mathilda Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94089
- 2 pm – 2:10 pm, Opening Remarks
- 2:10 pm – 2:35 pm, The Future of AI Research: Will Machines Soon Rule the World? Jianbo Shi, UPenn
- 2:35 pm – 3 pm, Deep Learning: from Theory to Applications, Pierre Baldi, UCI
- 3 pm – 3:15 pm, Coffee Break
- 3:15 pm – 3:40 pm, Semantic technology to enable “open science” and the enhanced management and reuse of experimental datasets, Mark Musen, Stanford
- 3:40 pm – 4:05 pm, Building and Interacting with Domain-Specific Knowledge Bases, Yunyao Li, IBM Almaden
- 4:05 pm – 4:30 pm, Architecture Innovations in AI Era, Yuan Xie, UCSB
- 4:30 pm – 4:55 pm, The social and policy dimensions of AI: A comparative perspective, Hong Shen, CMU
- 5 pm – 6 pm, Panel Discussion
- The current limitations of AI/DL
- Views on related technologies and applications: big data, IoT, cloud, health, security, finance, education, industry
- What are the next big things?
- The timeline for general AI
- Impacts, Implications, and Risks of AI
- 6 pm – 6:30 pm, Break
- 6:30 pm, Dinner
Organizing Committee
- Workshop Co-Chair, Dejing Dou, University of Oregon
- Workshop Co-Chair, Xiaolin Andy Li, University of Florida
- Local Arrangement Chair, Kaikai Liu, San Jose State University