The Center for Big Learning is a Phase I National Science Foundation supported Industry University Cooperative Research Center founded in 2018. NSF IUCRCs generate breakthrough research by enabling close and sustained engagement between industry, academia, and government agencies.
If your company or organization would like to join us, contact:
CBL Acting Director:
Dr. Joel Harley,
- Creating intelligence through collective wisdom and resources from academia, industry, and governments
- Leveraged research dollars realizing a 20:1 ROI. With support from other memberships, NSF, and universities, one membership can access research projects and resources supported by over $1M of funding
- Enjoying royalty‐free non‐exclusive licensing of center intellectual property of all academic sites
- Exploring intelligent platforms and services developed by the center.
- Leveraging the world‐class talents (professors and graduate students) in the era of big learning, big data, and big systems
- Accessing excellent students
- Joining peer members from high‐profile companies and research labs
- Engaging in pre‐competitive innovation with market leaders and competitors
How to become a member
- Contact Center for Big Learning Deputy Director (contact information above)
- Determine interest by talking to academic teams and current IAB members (NDA required if discussing CBL research) and reviewing Center documents (membership agreement and bylaws).
- Sign Membership Agreement. Common agreement at all CBL sites.
- Pay Annual Membership fee. $50K for full member and $25K associate member. Each member can have two full memberships for increased votes for projects. 100% of fees used for project research.
- Memberships can begin at the beginning of the project year (mid‐June) and participate in the project selection process or can join off‐cycle. For the latter, the first year’s project will be developed per the new member’s interest.