UF Site
Todo List
2017 Proposal Cycle
- Two-Slide summary
- Slide1: Title, PIs
- Slid2: Goal, Method, Impact, Deliverables
- List of potential industry members who are interested in your project (others + current list Industry Partners), top 3 or 5. One member’s full support (50 votes) can make your case.
- Faculty Bio in one paragraph to be used for listing UF faculty, e.g., UF Faculty. Please edit it directly in that page or email your text, link, and picture to andyli@ece.ufl.edu or principe@cnel.ufl.edu
- Please help introduce your industry contacts to us (Andy Li and Jose Principe).
- Please invite potential industry members to attend our planning meeting on Mar 9-10, 2017. We need to do the head count in advance to plan the logistics.
- Key references